New Pillow That May Help Travelers Sleep

One of the things that can make traveling tough, especially with flight delays, long layovers, and those long flights over seas, is lack of sleep.  Even while wearing headphones on a plane, sleep can be elusive with all the chatter, electronic devices, light, bustle in the aisles, etc.  (I once got bumped up to first class on a flight to Europe and was giddy with delight at the thought of having the extra room to actually sleep on the plane.  However, it turned out that sitting across the aisle from me, was a lady with a baby.  The baby cried. all. night.  Bummer.)

Kawamura-Ganjavian: Ostrich Pillow

That is why when I read about a new product called the Ostrich Pillow at It’s Nice That, I thought this could be a traveler’s best friend.  Described by its designers, Kawamura-Ganjavian, it is neither a pillow, nor cushion, bed or garment, but a bit of each all at the same time. It’s soothing cave-like interior shelters and isolates both your head and hands creating the perfect micro environment in which to take a warm and comfortable power nap. 

However, the only way to obtain an Ostrich Pillow is to make a pledge of $75 or more at by October 18.  Kawamura-Ganjavian need $70,000 by this date for their project to be funded. (They have 460 backers thus far.)

Is the Ostrich Pillow something you would purchase?

Kawamura-Ganjavian: Ostrich Pillow