What Gives Cities Their Distinctive Look?

Does Paris look distinctively different from other cities, such as London or New York City, or do all big cities look alike?  The scientists at Carnegie Mellon University say each city has very unique features and, using Google images, have developed date mining software to capture these subtle differences.  Science Daily reported this ground-breaking research which you can read about here:  What Makes Paris Look Like Paris? Software Finds Stylistic Core


View of Paris, France from the Arc de Triomphe

London’s Secret Gardens

There’s nothing more relaxing than spending a few hours in a serene garden taking in the sights, sounds, and smells of nature. This is especially true if you’re visiting a large and busy city like London.  A visit to a garden can allow you to forget for a time that there are millions of people outside its boundaries and can provide a welcome respite from the hustle and bustle of city life.  BLOUIN ARTINFO has compiled a list of the Best Secret Gardens in London.  Maybe you’ll want to look one up next time you visit the “The City.”


Cool and Unusual Bookstores Around the World

Do you like to visit bookstores when you travel?  If so take a look at the list Flavorwire has compiled of specialty books stores located in various cities around the world such as Paris, London, Rome, New York City, Tokyo, and Toronto.  You may want to spend a few hours in one of them next time you’re in town!

The Time is Now for London

Now that the Olympics are over the Smart Money blog reports that now is a good time to visit London.  Hotels are reducing their rates to fill now-empty rooms.  You can read what they have to say here, Cheering Post-Olympic Travel to London.


In addition financial guru, Clark Howard,  just returning from a London/Paris trip reports that the deals are there, now.  Here is what he says.